Our mission is to inspire our customers to BELIEVE MORE, equip them to INVEST STRATEGICALLY, and empower them to LIVE FREE.
Originally named 1242 Property Solutions in 2016 by Founder Ben DuBose, the aim of Entrust Investments is to transform communities through real estate investment. Our mission statement may seem odd for a real estate investment company, but it is our deep sense of purpose and stewardship that motivates us. Our primary customers are property sellers and retail or investor buyers, and each has drastically different needs and goals. We strive to inspire each customer to believe for more than their current circumstances seem; encourage them to invest their money, time, and thoughts strategically; and empower them to achieve freedom from mental and financial constraints.

Title: Founder/Owner
Ben moved to Nashville in 2010 where he served as the Assistant Director of Caleb Company through 2013. In 2014 he accepted a position as the study abroad program coordinator for Lipscomb University and enrolled in their MBA program. After graduation, he founded 1242 Property Solutions (now Entrust Investments), and in four years, he and his team have sold over 130 investment and retail properties at more than $20.8M in volume.
Hobbies: Spending time with Emily and their two girls; anything outdoors; traveling; mentoring; listening to books on Audible
Current City: Nashville, TN
Favorite Quote: "Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better.”– Jim Rohn
Email: ben@entrustinvestments.com

Title: Project & Property Manager
Kellen was born in Brazil, and has also lived in Hawaii and Boston before settling in Franklin, TN. Her experience includes international non-profit work, filming a documentary in 2013, founding businesses in the service and retail industries, and four years in restaurant management. She joined Entrust Investments in 2019, and manages our construction projects and rental properties.
Hobbies: Travel with her husband Micah, she loves to create, outdoors activities, fitness, sports, and time with community.
Current City: Franklin, TN
Favorite Quote: “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” - Mae West

Title: Acquisitionist
Micah has lived in Greater Nashville his entire life. After going to high school in Franklin, TN, he decided to continue working his lawn care business while on the side working for a contractor remodeling homes. Years later He connected with a local manufacture business owner where he became the manager, learning firsthand all facets of the business. His experience includes project Management, logistics, distribution, sales. Micah joined Entrust Investments’ sales team in 2022 to help grow the business.
Hobbies: Fitness, traveling, time with family, businesses ideas
Current City: Nashville, TN
Favorite Quote:
“To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all - but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing.”
― Abraham Lincoln

Title: Lead Generation Manager
An economist by education, Predrag worked for several years in banking while also doing contract work for Entrust Investments. In 2019 he made the leap to full-time employment as our Lead Generation Manager. He is passionate about this work and has a knack for uncovering great real estate deals.
Hobbies: Swimming, studying history, and outdoor activities with his wife and two sons.
Current City: Žabalj, Serbia
Favorite Quote: "It is never too late to be what you might have been"
- George Eliot
We find and buy value-add real estate. We determine highest and best strategy, add what we can to our own pipeline and sell the rest.
We renovate homes, build new homes, entitle and develop raw land, and add rental units to our current holdings and those of our clients.
We coach and consult others in real estate investing